Meghan, Amy, Megan and Monica presented virtual talks at the 2020 North Eastern Association of Forensic Scientists Virtual Annual Meeting. Their talks were titled “Mass Spec of the Woods: Species-level Identification of Endangered Woods Using Mass Spectral and Chemometric Techniques”, “Flour Power: A Fresh Approach to Insect Detection in Stored-Product Forensic Entomology Assays Using Direct Analysis in Real Time – High Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Chemometrics”, “Who’s Ready for Halloweed? – Detecting Cannabinoids in Candies, Chocolates and Other Edible Products by DART-HRMS”, and “Trip or Treat: Data Fusion and Multivariate Statistical Analysis Treatment of DART-HRMS Collision-induced Dissociation Data to Enable the Rapid Detection and Identification of Tryptamines” respectively. Megan also received the Carol de Forest Student Research Grant.