Monica, Amy, Meghan and Megan’s presentations.
Meghan, Amy, Megan and Monica presented virtual talks at the 2020 North Eastern Association of Forensic Scientists Virtual Annual Meeting. Their talks were titled “Mass Spec of the Woods: Species-level Identification of Endangered Woods Using Mass Spectral and Chemometric Techniques”, “Flour Power: A Fresh Approach to Insect Detection in Stored-Product Forensic Entomology Assays Using Direct Analysis in Real Time – High Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Chemometrics”, “Who’s Ready for Halloweed? – Detecting Cannabinoids in Candies, Chocolates and Other Edible Products by DART-HRMS”, and “Trip or Treat: Data Fusion and Multivariate Statistical Analysis Treatment of DART-HRMS Collision-induced Dissociation Data to Enable the Rapid Detection and Identification of Tryptamines” respectively. Megan also received the Carol de Forest Student Research Grant.