Meghan, Megan, Cameron, Dr. Musah and Amy at AAFS.
Professor Musah, Cameron, Meghan, Amy and Megan traveled to Anaheim, CA to present at the 72nd Annual American Academy of Forensic Scientists Annual Scientific Meeting. Cameron and Meghan presented talks titled “See the Forest for the Trees: A Non-Targeted Approach to Discerning Exposure to Explosives Using Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-MS) and the Multivariate Statistical Model Random Forest” and “Barking Up the Wrong Tree: Detection and Identification of Illegally Traded Endangered Species of Wood Using Mass Spectral Techniques” respectively. Amy and Megan presented posters titled “A Novel Approach to the Identification of Beetles that Colonize Remains: A Chemometric Processing of Direct Analysis in Real-Time Mass Spectrometry (DART-HRMS) Derived Chemical Signatures of Carrion Insects” and “Pepper Plants and Magic Mint – The Application of Ambient Mass Spectral Analysis for the Rapid Detection and Quantification of Psychoactive Compounds in the Complex Matrices of Plant-Based Legal-High Substances” respectively.