Monica, Megan, Samira and Amy at NEAFS.
Samira, Megan, Amy and Monica traveled to Newport, RI to present at the Northeaster Association of Forensic Scientists 2021 Annual Meeting. Each presented talks titled “DART-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (DART-HRMS) for Identification of the Feeding Resource of Necrophagous Insects”, “Development of Novel Approaches for Efficient Cannabinoid Detection and Quantification in Edibles, Beverages, Personal-care Products and Plant Materials”, “You Are What You Eat: Utilization of Direct Analysis in Real Time - High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (DART-HRMS) for the Toxicological Examination of Insect Evidence in Death Investigations” and “A Tree-Mendous Method for the Forensic Identification of Illegally Traded Timber by DART-HRMS and Multivariate Statistical Analysis” respectively. Amy also received the Carol De Forest Student Research Grant.