Professor Musah, Allix and Niara traveled to San Diego, CA to attend Pittcon 2024. Professor Musah gave two talks titled “Deep into the Weeds - A Combined DART-HRMS and Chemometric Approach for Differentiating Hemp and Marijuana Varieties of Cannabis sativa” and “Towards Development of a Rapid Approach for Differentiating Marijuana from Hemp - Insights from High-level Density Functional Theory Calculations. Allix and Niara also presented talks titled “Can You See(d) It? Laser Ablation Direct Analysis in Real-Time Imaging — Mass Spectrometry (LADI-MS) Analysis of Small Molecules in Voacanga africana Seeds” and “Weed the Fine Print: The Detection of Cannabis Ingestion using Fingerprint Residues and High-Resolution Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry”, respectively.