Daman Presents at ACS Meeting

Daman traveled to San Diego, CA to present at the 2022 American Chemical Society Spring Meeting. He presented a poster titled “Computational Investigation on the Atmospheric Oxidation of Plant-derived Alkyl Thiosulfinates Initiated by OH and Cl Radicals: Reaction Mechanisms, Energetics, Kinetics and Atmospheric Implications”.

Musah Lab Presents at AAFS

Megan, Monica and Amy at AAFS.

Amy, Megan and Monica traveled to Seattle, WA to present at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting. They each presented a talk titled “The Development of a Technique for the Forensic Identification of Carrion Beetles”, “Best Buds - Ambient Ionization Coupled with Mass Spectrometry for the Forensic Analysis of Cannabinoid-infused Complex Matrices” and “‘Leaf’ It to Direct Analysis in Real-Time High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (DART-HRMS) and Multivariate Statistical Analysis for the Forensic Identification of Illegally Traded Timber”. In addition, Megan received the Forensic Science Foundation Student Travel Grant Award. Professor Musah also gave two talks in the virtual National Institute of Justice session titled “Fusion of DART-HRMS-derived Dark Matter and Infrared Spectroscopy for the Identification of New Psychoactive Substances” and “Progress Towards the Development of a Database of Chemical Fingerprint Signatures for Species Identification of Necrophagous Insects”.

Musah Lab Presents at ENY ACS Meeting

Megan, Amy and Monica presented at the Eastern New York ACS Future Leaders Meeting. Megan and Amy presented talks titled “Starting the Year on a High Note: Application of Direct Analysis in Real Time – High-resolution Mass Spectrometry to the Analysis of Complex Cannabis Matrices” and “Drugs in Bugs: Development of an Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Chemometrics Approach for the Revelation of the Presence of Drugs in Postmortem Samples Using Carrion Insects”, respectively. Monica presented a poster titled “How Much Wood Would a Wood Chemist Analyze if a Wood Chemist Could Analyze Wood Using DART-HRMS and Machine Learning”.

Musah Lab Presents at ASMS

Allix presenting her poster.

Professor Musah and Allix traveled to Philadelphia, PA to present at the 69th Annual American Society of Mass Spectrometry Conference. Professor Musah presented a talk titled “Identification of the Matrices on which Necrophagous Insects Feed using DART-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (DART-HRMS) and Chemometrics”. Allix presented a poster titled “Mapping Molecules: Revealing the Chemistry of Wood Anatomical Features by Laser Ablation Direct Analysis in Real Time-Imaging Mass Spectrometry”. Allix was also invited to present a lightning talk at the workshop Ambient MS and Direct to MS: Strategies for Quantitation.

Musah Lab Presents at NEAFS

Monica, Megan, Samira and Amy at NEAFS.

Samira, Megan, Amy and Monica traveled to Newport, RI to present at the Northeaster Association of Forensic Scientists 2021 Annual Meeting. Each presented talks titled “DART-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (DART-HRMS) for Identification of the Feeding Resource of Necrophagous Insects”, “Development of Novel Approaches for Efficient Cannabinoid Detection and Quantification in Edibles, Beverages, Personal-care Products and Plant Materials”, “You Are What You Eat: Utilization of Direct Analysis in Real Time - High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (DART-HRMS) for the Toxicological Examination of Insect Evidence in Death Investigations” and “A Tree-Mendous Method for the Forensic Identification of Illegally Traded Timber by DART-HRMS and Multivariate Statistical Analysis” respectively. Amy also received the Carol De Forest Student Research Grant.

Musah Lab Recognized by ChemLuminary Awards

The Eastern New York Younger Chemist Committee (YCC) was recognized by the ACS ChemLuminary Awards. They received the Outstanding Local Section Younger Chemists Committee Award and the Best Activity or Program in a Local Section Stimulating Membership Involvement. Megan, Amy and Monica are all organizers of this YCC section and have been instrumental to its success. Congratulations!

Professor Musah Presents at LCGC Webcast

LCGC JEOL Webcast 2021.png

Professor Musah was invited to present at the LCGC Webcast co-sponsored by JEOL USA, Inc. Her talk, titled “New Frontiers in Complex Matrix Analysis”, featured several examples of how direct analysis in real-time - high-resolution mass spectrometry (DART-HRMS) can be applied to provide complementary information to that furnished by more conventional techniques, and advance the frontiers of scientific discovery in various fields including forensic science, chemical ecology, and imaging mass spectrometry.

Musah Lab Presents at SciX

Samira presenting her talk at SciX.

Samira presenting her talk at SciX.

Professor Musah and Samira traveled to Providence, RI to present at SciX 2021. Both presented talks titled “Species Identification of Endangered Macaws using Direct Analysis in Real Time - Mass Spectrometry and Statistical Analysis” and “Development of an Approach to Efficient Detection of Insect-infested Flour using DART-HRMS and Efficient Data Reduction-Multivariate Curve Reduction (EDR-MCR)”, respectively.

Musah Lab Presents at CDPA Research Symposium

Samira and Daman presented talks at the 1st Annual Capital District Postdoc Association Research Symposium. Samira’s talk was titled “PP-DART: Featuring a User-friendly Graphical Application for Rapid Forensic Identification of Psychoactive Plant Species” and Daman’s talk was titled “Computational Study Investigating the Gas-phase Reactions of Dipropyl Thiosulfinate with OH and Cl Radicals: Implications for Atmospheric Chemistry”.

Samira presenting her talk.

Samira presenting her talk.

Daman presenting his talk.

Daman presenting his talk.